The Boyhood Home of President Woodrow Wilson will be closed, Friday, February 7, 2025. 

Why Join Historic Augusta?

Membership in Historic Augusta, Inc. is open to everyone interested in the preservation of the historic built environment of Augusta and Richmond County. Funds from membership are the largest single source of our budget each year. Support from members helps Historic Augusta, Inc. to continue in its efforts to save historic houses, buildings and neighborhoods. We provide technical assistance for rehabilitation and restoration and maintain data about historic places in Augusta and Richmond County. We educate the public about the importance of historic preservation through programs, publications and public tours. We identify and nominate significant properties to the National Register of Historic Places and encourage designation of historic properties and districts under the local historic preservation ordinance. Our board recognizes outstanding restoration projects and programs through our annual Preservation Awards. The Main Street Augusta downtown revitalization program is a joint venture of Historic Augusta, Inc. and Augusta-Richmond County. We also steward the following historic properties which are either owned or operated by Historic Augusta.

Become a Member

Use our online store to join Historic Augusta’s mission is to preserve historically or architecturally significant sites and structures in Augusta and Richmond County, Georgia.